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싱싱ᄒᆞ다 fresh
- Translation: fresh
- Variant(s): 싱싱ᄒᆞ다, 씽씽ᄒᆞ다
- Jeju basic words: 0900
Associated word(s)
- fresh: 쌩쌩ᄒᆞ다
- raw: ᄂᆞᆯ거, ᄂᆞᆯ것
- new: 새-
- raw barley: ᄂᆞᆯ보리
- raw meat: ᄂᆞᆯ궤기, ᄂᆞᆯ고기
- stout: 튼튼ᄒᆞ다
- young: 젊다
- completely exhausted, dawdling, tardily: 느랏느랏
- be safe, be without accident, be peaceful: 무ᄉᆞᄒᆞ다
- energetic, healthy: 펜안ᄒᆞ다
- vigor: 기운
- fishy smell: 비린내, 비렁내
- venture forth, intrude: 냅뜨다
- tardily, dawdling: 늘짝늘짝, 늘싹늘싹, 늘지락늘지락
- as slowly as a snail: 곰작곰작
- as slowly as a snail, dilly-dally: 굼지락굼지락
- go rotten: 썩다, 석다
시랑시랑ᄒᆞ다 prosperous
- Translation: prosperous, flourishing
- Variant(s): 시랑시랑ᄒᆞ다, 싱싱ᄒᆞ다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 33790 ()
Associated word(s)
- force, might, power, strength: 심, 힘
- act frivolous, be arrogant, be haughty: 출삭거리다, 출싹거리다
- act big, put on airs: 거들락거들락ᄒᆞ다
- act big, put on airs, show off, swagger: 거들거리다
- add, get worse, grow harder, more: 더ᄒᆞ다, 더의다, 더으다
- coarse, harsh, lie waste, loose, neglected, rough, violent: 거칠다, 거치렁ᄒᆞ다, 거치럽다
- the prime of one's life: ᄒᆞᆫ창때
- reign supreme: 도판ᄆᆞᆯ다, 독판ᄆᆞᆯ다
- gentle, mild, soft: 부드럽다
- abyss, pit: 구렁, 굴헝, 골홈, 구룽, 굴, 굴렁, 굴랑, 굴렁지, 굴헝지, 굴렝이, 굴헹이, 굴헝창
- fortune: 운수
- fortunate: 행복ᄒᆞ다
- happiness: 행복
- errand: ᄉᆞ환