

ᄒᆞᆫ창때 the prime of one's life

  • Translation: the prime of one's life
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11651 (the first time, beginning), 11652 (on the way, halfway, top), 11920 (the biggest, the prime of one's life)

Associated word(s)

    • abyss, pit: 구렁, 굴헝, 골홈, 구룽, 굴, 굴렁, 굴랑, 굴렁지, 굴헝지, 굴렝이, 굴헹이, 굴헝창
    • all the more, more and more: 무장
    • as one wishes, all through, utterly: ᄉᆞ뭇, ᄉᆞ못, ᄒᆞ뭇, ᄒᆞ믓