Table of Contents
ᄂᆞ리다 bring down
- Translation: bring down, descend, go down, lower
- Variant(s): ᄂᆞ리다, 네리다
- Jeju basic words: 0334
Associated word(s)
- lower: ᄂᆞ추다, ᄂᆞ초다
- hang down, dangle, droop, be pendent: 흘랑ᄒᆞ다
- be attached to, be installed, hang (on): ᄃᆞᆯ리다
- be caught, get stuck, hang: 걸리다
- be scasttered, fall, set, sink: 지다
- attach, hang down, install: ᄃᆞᆯ다
- be reconciled with one's former spouse, come back to one's former spouse, get back, return: 도들다
- arrive, arrive at, attain, reach: 이르다
- hold up, lift: 들르다, 드르다
- discount, overcharge: 에누리, 에노리
- erect, make stand, stop: 세우다, 세오다, 셉다
- depart, go out: ᄆᆞ슬들다, ᄆᆞ슬틀다, ᄆᆞ실틀다, ᄆᆞ슬카다, ᄆᆞ실카다
- Translation:
- Variant(s): ᄂᆞ리다, 네리다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 25153 ()
- Jeju basic words: 0334
Associated word(s)
- pelt down, pour: 퍼붓다
- nasty (weather): 궂다
- large snowflakes: 함박눈, 험벅눈
- snow: 눈
- sleet: 눈짐벵이
- rain: 비
- great streaks of rain: 빗살
- streaks of rain: 빗발
- shower, passing rain: 넘어가는비
- the rainy spell in (early) autumn: ᄀᆞ을장마, ᄀᆞ을창마, ᄀᆞ슬창마, ᄀᆞ실창마, ᄀᆞ슬장마, ᄀᆞ실장마
- cold rain: 언비
- spring rain: 고사리마, 고아리마, 고사리장마
- hail, graupel: ᄉᆞ레기눈, ᄉᆞ라기눈, ᄉᆞ락눈
- hail: 우박