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ᄀᆞ만이 secretly
- Translation: secretly, still
Associated word(s)
- secretly, still: ᄀᆞ만
- furtively: 슬짝슬짝
- secretly: 몰로로, 몰로루
- lightly, secretly: ᄉᆞᆯ짝, ᄉᆞᆯ째기〜ᄉᆞᆯ짹이, ᄉᆞᆯ쩨기, ᄉᆞᆯ짝이
- come untied of itself, glide, melt away, softly: 스르르
- (rain) heavily, tagging: 줄줄
- goggle, stare: 실긋실긋
- looking around restlessly, with unsteady eyes: 두리두리, 두릿두릿
- blink, twinkle, wink: 끄막이다
- erect, silently, straight, upright: 오곳오곳
- (fall) with a thud: 멜락, 멜싹
- blink: 끔박이다, 끔막이다, ᄁᆞ막이다, ᄁᆞᆷ막이다
- repose, take rest: 쉬다
- peace: 평화
- issue, pull off, subtract, take off, undo: 빠다, 빠이다, 빼다
- toddling, tottering: 아그작아그작, 아긔작아긔작
- lift up: 개동독닥