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그스렁 soot
- Translation: soot
- Variant(s): 그스렁, 그슬렁, 그시렁, 기시렁, 그시렝이, 그스랭이
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15112 (rust, soot, dreg)
Associated word(s)
- charcoal soot: 숫검뎅이
- cigarette butt: 담베꽁치
- burned rice at the bottom of the pot, water boiled with burned rice: 숭눙, 숭눙물
- burned rice at the bottom of the pot, the crust of overcooked rice: 누렁밥, 누넝밥
- the crust of overcooked rice: 누렝이, 누넹이, 누룽이, 밥누렝이, 밥누넹이
- get sooty: 그슬다, 그실다, 기실다, 기슬다
- patina, verdigris: 삼록
- a volcanic bomb, bullet: 뽀롱이