Table of Contents
장ᄉᆞ funeral
- Translation: funeral
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13360 (event, feast, celebration)
Associated word(s)
- divine service, memorial service: 제
- the fourteenth day: 두일뤠
- memorial services: 식게멩질, 제ᄉᆞ나 멩질
- exorcism: 엑막이, 엑맥이
- hearse, catafalque: 상예, 상기, 상여, 생예, 생이
- fraternity, mutual financing association, savings club: 접, 계, 제
장시 trade
- Translation: trade, commerce, business
- Variant(s): 장시, 장ᄉᆞ
- Jeju basic words: 1120
Associated word(s)
- transactions, business, trade: 거레
- pottery trade: 옹기장ᄉᆞ
- alcohol trading: 술장시
- longline fishing: 주낫질
- business, job, occupation, profession, task, work: 일
- trawling: 끄짐바리
- traditional market: 재래시장
- market: 시장
- permanent open market: 상설시장
- earn, gain: 버을다, 버스다, 버슬다, 버실다, 벌다