Table of Contents
성 fortified wall
- Translation: fortified wall
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 14720 (well)
Associated word(s)
- rampart: 잣
- fence, hedge, piling, stockade: 울성장안, 울타리, 울따리
- guarantee: 보장ᄒᆞ다
- playground, schoolyard: ᄒᆞᆨ교마당
- playground: 운동장
- beach resort, seaside resort: 해수욕장
- slaughterhouse, abattoir: 도수장, 도소장
성 elder brother (same sex)
- Translation: elder brother (same sex), elder sister (opposite sex)
- Variant(s): 성, 형
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 12140 (elder brother , elder sister , younger sibling)
- Jeju basic words: 0823
Associated word(s)
- elder brother (same sex), elder sister (same sex): 성님, 형님
- younger brother (same sex), younger sibling (same sex): 아시
- female different-sex sibling, younger sister (opposite sex): 누의
- younger brother or sister, younger sibling: 동셍, 동싕〜동싱, 동승
- younger brother (opposite sex): 오랍동셍
- brother and sister, opposite sex siblings: 오누의〜오누이, 오노의
- one's wife's elder sister: 처아지마님, 처형
- the sister of one's husband and the wife of one's brother: 씨누의성제
- husband's sister: 씨누의, 씨누이
- the wife of a man's brother, younger brother's wife: 아지망, 아주망
- younger brother of one's husband: 씨동생, 씨동셍, 씨동싕
- the husband of a woman's sister: 아지방, 아주방
- elder brother of one's husband: 씨아지방, 씨아주방
- husband of a brother's wife: 동세
- elder brother's wife: 아지마님
- one's sister's husband: 매비
썽 anger
- Translation: anger
- Variant(s): 썽, 성
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13012 (anger)
Associated word(s)
- anger: 홰, 화
- get angry: 노ᄒᆞ다, 용심나다, 홰내다, 훼내다, 화내다, 용심내다, 부에나다, 북두매기나다, 북두매기되싸지다, 성나다, 썽나다, 썽내다, 성내다
- temper: ᄇᆞᆯ딱이
- dislike: 실러하다, 궂어라ᄒᆞ다, 궂어ᄒᆞ다
- nauseous: 메숙메숙ᄒᆞ다
- feel sick: 미슥거리다
- greed: 욕심
- does not please: 불합ᄒᆞ다
- worry, be anxious: ᄆᆞ음졸이다
- disapproval, reluctance: 난색
- charming, lovely, please: 아깝다
- heartless, cold-hearted: 매정ᄒᆞ다