Table of Contents
서리 rafter
- Translation: rafter
Associated word(s)
서리 frost
- Translation: frost
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15130 (water, drop, vapor)
Associated word(s)
- dew: 이슬, 이실
- dew: 이슬지다, 이실지다
- snow water: 눈물, 눈녹은물
- rancid drippings from a thatched roof: 그스렁물
- ice: 얼음〜어름
- icicle: 동곳, 동긋
ᄉᆞ시 neighbourhood
- Translation: neighbourhood
- Variant(s): ᄉᆞ시, ᄉᆞ리, ᄉᆞ이, 서리
- Jeju basic words: 0164
Associated word(s)
- neighbourhood: 근처, 근체
- neighbourhood, block, local community: 동네
- neighbour: 이웃〜이윳, 윳
- near: 가차이, ᄀᆞ차이
- the house adjoining in the back: 뒷광
- get near, approach closer: 다가사다
- shortcut: 지름질
- distant, far: 멀다
- right and left: 좌우
- middle: 가온데, 가운듸
- on the one side: ᄒᆞᆫ펜
- here and there: 곤데곤데
- beach, seashore, seaside: 해벤, 헤벤, 해변
ᄉᆞ이 space
- Translation: space
- Variant(s): ᄉᆞ이, 세, ᄉᆞ시, ᄉᆞ리, 서리
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11721 (partition, screen, space)
- Jeju basic words: 0902