Table of Contents
ᄇᆞ리다 break
- Translation: break, tear
- Jeju basic words: 1264
Associated word(s)
ᄇᆞ리다 abandon
- Translation: abandon, cast away, throw out
- Variant(s): ᄇᆞ리다, 버리다
- Jeju basic words: 0764
Associated word(s)
- throw out: 데끼다
- throw at: 마치다
- clear away, remove, tuck: 걷다
- issue, pull off, subtract, take off, undo: 빠다, 빠이다, 빼다
- pull off, take off, undo: 뽑다
- blow one's nose, release, take off, undo, untie: 풀다
- remove: 제끼다
- take off, undo: 끌르다, 클르다, 크르다, 플르다
- beat, hit, punch, strike, thrash: 치다
- give a hard punch, hit hard: 줴여지르다, 줴지르다, 줴여질르다, 줴질르다
- thrash, strike, punch: 페다
- knuckle: 줴여박다
- get out of joint, go against: 어그러지다
- thin out: ᄉᆞ꼬다, ᄉᆞ끄다, 소끄다
- flap one's wings, swing one's arms in walking: 양활치다
ᄇᆞ레다 wish
- Translation: wish, beg
- Variant(s): ᄇᆞ레다, ᄇᆞ레다, ᄇᆞ리다, 바래다, 바레다, 배래다, 배레다, 베레다, 배리다, 베리다
- Jeju basic words: 0761
Associated word(s)
- begrudge, grudge: 바득바득ᄒᆞ다
- (head) throbs, pester: 지근거리다, 지근ᄃᆞᆯ다
- impatiently (waiting): ᄒᆞᆯ긋ᄒᆞᆯ긋
- greed: 욕심
- deposit: 마끼다, 맷기다〜맽기다〜매끼다, 머치다