Table of Contents
구렁 abyss
- Translation: abyss, pit
- Variant(s): 구렁, 굴헝, 골홈, 구룽, 굴, 굴렁, 굴랑, 굴렁지, 굴헝지, 굴렝이, 굴헹이, 굴헝창
Associated word(s)
- the prime of one's life: ᄒᆞᆫ창때
- bottom, end, tip: 깍
- bottom, down, under: 밋, 밑
- declivity, downhill, slope: 느릇, ᄂᆞ롯, ᄂᆞ룻
- sole leather, sole: 창
- flatland: 펭지
- shabby, miserable-looking: 궁상맞다
- climax: 고비, ᄀᆞ리
- middle: 가온데, 가운듸
- dead-end: 막다ᄃᆞᆯ다, 막다들다