Table of Contents
건장제 tall lank person
Associated word(s)
- a kind of sparrowhawk: 도롱태
- dwarf, midget: 난젱이, 난쟁이
- build: 몸집
- build: 몸메
- build: 몸뚱아리, 몸떵어리, 몸뗑이
- wet through: 갈착갈착
- heaped up, swollen: 무룩ᄒᆞ다
- wet through: 갈착ᄒᆞ다, 갈치락ᄒᆞ다
- get fat, get stout: ᄉᆞᆯ지다, ᄉᆞᆯ치다, 살지다
- moderately fat: ᄆᆞᆯ치락ᄒᆞ다, 몰치락ᄒᆞ다, ᄆᆞᆯ트락ᄒᆞ다, 몰트락ᄒᆞ다
- nudity: 맨몸
- baggy, loose: 흘락흘락
- bare hand, naked fist: 멘주먹, 빈주먹
- aloft, high, lofty, towering: 거들락
- stature: 지레, 지래
- add, get worse, grow harder, more: 더ᄒᆞ다, 더의다, 더으다
건장제 hanger
- Translation: hanger
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 14450 (shelf, candlestick, hypocaust)
Associated word(s)
- branched hanger: 걸낭, 낭공젱이
- electric fan: 선풍기
- kitchen shelf, closet, rack, shelf: 선반
- fork-shaped instrument, back scratcher: 글겡이
- hot iron: 윤디, 운디, 윤뒤
- flatiron, iron: 다리웨, 다리왜, 다루웨, 다루왜, 다루훼, 다르미, 다리배, 다리베, 다리미, 대리미
- legs of an A-frame carrier: 지겟가달, 지게가달, 지게다리
- float, trowel: 쒜손
- worn-out broom, stumpy broom: 모지락비, 모지락비차락
- yard broom: 마당비치락