Table of Contents
- Translation:
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 35030 (calm, quiet, annoying)
Associated word(s)
- rattling: ᄃᆞᆯ각ᄃᆞᆯ각, 타글락타글락
- with a grating sound: 바드득바드득, 바득바득
- vocal chords, voice: 목청
- in lumps, fall apart (from deterioration): 문착문착, 문착, 물착
- clattering, lapping around, pattering along: 찰락찰락
- with a (continuous) sawing sound: 스르릉스르릉
- (blow) gently: 시양시양
- (breeze) blowing softly: 간들간들, 건들건들
- be hoarse, breathe: 쉬다
- jingling, ding-dong: 들랑들랑
- cling-cling, clang-clang, tinkle-tinkle: 왱그랑댕그랑, 댕그랑댕그랑
- annoying, noisy: 시끄럽다, 시끄릅다
그랑그랑 in shreds
- Translation: in shreds, in tatters, into shreds, to pieces
- Variant(s): 그랑그랑, 가랑가랑, 거랑거랑
Associated word(s)
- to pieces, into shreds: 갈기갈기, 갈가리, 갈리갈리
- lift up: 개동독닥
- (rain) heavily, tagging: 줄줄
- fluttering noise, streaming noise: ᄑᆞᆯ락거리다, 팔락거리다
- itchy, creepy-crawly: 스믈스믈
- come untied of itself, glide, melt away, softly: 스르르
- all out of joints, on bad terms: 어근버근ᄒᆞ다
- with a single stroke: 단칼에
- covered thick (with dirt), layer after layer (of dirt): 대작대작, 데작데작, 다닥다닥
- odds and ends, remnant: 자치
- rattling: ᄃᆞᆯ각ᄃᆞᆯ각
- helter-skelter, hurriedly, hurry-scurry: 허둥지둥