Table of Contents
Hour, time, cooked rice
< culture, bathing, bow < activity (mind and activity)
Jeju | English |
때, 떼 | hour, meal, time |
식사 | meal |
맘마, 엡세 | UNDEFINED |
밥, -압 | cooked rice, meal |
삼시 | three meals |
조반밥, 조반, 아침밥 | breakfast |
점심, 정심, 증심, 징심 | lunch |
ᄌᆞ냑, ᄌᆞ낙, 저냑, 저낙, 저녁, 제냑, 처냑, ᄎᆞ냑, 저뭇, ᄌᆞ뭇, ᄌᆞ냑밥, 저녁밥 | supper, dinner |
군입, 굴룬음식, 군음식 | eating between meals |
중석, 젯구름〜제꾸름, 첫구릉 | midnight meal, snack for farmhands at work |
고비리 | midnight meal |
ᄒᆞᆫᄐᆞᆨ, ᄐᆞᆨ | treat, entertainment |
줄담배 | chain-smoking |
Eat, feed, suck
< take pains, shake, blink < activity (spirit and act)
Jeju | English |
먹다 | eat |
드러먹다, 입세ᄒᆞ다, 튀다, 퀴다, 옴막ᄒᆞ다, 움막ᄒᆞ다, 음막ᄒᆞ다 | UNDEFINED |
멕이다 | feed |
ᄐᆞᆮ다 | gather, graze, open, pluck, tear off |
노히다, 노이다, 누이다, 눼다 | be cloyed |
ᄐᆞᆨ내다, ᄒᆞᆫᄐᆞᆨ내다 | treat, entertain |
것주다 | feed (animals) |
먹다, 마시다 | drink |
ᄈᆞᆯ다 | suck |
피우다 | make bloom, make open, emit, kindle, smoke |