< culture, bathing, bow < activity (mind and activity)
Jeju | English |
척, 첵, ᄎᆞ록, 체, 채 | pretense |
마니질, 마니고개 | (a baby)to shake one's head |
마니마니 | UNDEFINED |
절 | bow |
멘손, 빈손 | bare hand, empty hand |
멜록, 맬록, 멜쪽, 멜록ᄒᆞ라, 맬록ᄒᆞ라, 맬록가라, 멜쪽ᄒᆞ라 | nyah |
빽 | buggery, coition, copulation, leap, paederasty, sodomy |
흘레, 흘래 | copulation, coition, leap |
흘레부치다 | couple, mate together, make a match |
범방 | sexual intercourse |
< take pains, shake, blink < activity (spirit and act)
Jeju | English |
마니털다 | shake one's head (in denial) |
젓다 | beat, row, shake, stir, wave |
조롬마추다, 섹쓰다, 색쓰다, 베똥 맞추다, 배똥맞추다 | have sexual intercourse |
흘레ᄒᆞ다 | copulate, couple, mate |
< busy < activity (spirit and act)
Jeju | English |
그닥그닥, 소곡ᄒᆞ다, ᄇᆞᆯ딱, 앙삭앙삭, 으슬락기, 걸삭걸삭, 가들락가들락, 가드락가드락, 가들랑가들랑, ᄀᆞ들락ᄀᆞ들락, 아옷아옷, 남남, 냠냠, 옴막옴막, 착착, 잘강잘강, 아올아올, 고글고글, ᄁᆞ막ᄁᆞ막, 끔막끔막, 끄막끄막, 끄먹끄먹, ᄁᆞᆷ막, 끄막, 끔박, ᄁᆞ막 | UNDEFINED |
ᄀᆞ만, ᄀᆞ만이 | secretly, still |
가동가동, 개동개동, 가동강가동강, 개동독닥, 가들랑가들랑 | lift up |
텁석 | with a snatch |
어듬더듬 | by feel, stammering |
줄줄 | (rain) heavily, tagging |
얼금설금 | sluggishly |
아그작아그작, 아긔작아긔작 | toddling, tottering |
지근지근 | chewing noise, pestering, throbbing |
괄락괄락, 꼴깍꼴깍, 꿀깍꿀깍 | gulping sound |
멜록, 맬록, 메록, 매록 | darting in and out |
실긋실긋 | goggle, stare |
두리두리, 두릿두릿 | looking around restlessly, with unsteady eyes |