

성내 within the city

  • Translation: within the city
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11770 (middle, inside, inner part)

Associated word(s)

    • cover, surface: 거죽, 꺼죽, 걱적, 걱죽, 겁죽, 꺽죽, 꺽적, 껍죽, 가죽, 갑죽, 거풀, 꺼풀, 거피
    • exterior, out, outside: 바꼇, 바꼍, 바깟, 바껏, 바끗, 배깟, 베깟, 배깻, 베껫, 배꼇, 베꼇, 배꼍
    • out, outside, exterior: 박, 밧, 밖