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흔들다 shake
- Translation: shake
- Variant(s): 흔들다, 흥글다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 21511 (pop, splash, turn round)
- Jeju basic words: 1410
Associated word(s)
- fluttering noise, streaming noise: ᄑᆞᆯ락거리다, 팔락거리다
- beat, row, shake, stir, wave: 젓다
- tremble: 털리다, 떨다, 털다, 벌벌떨다, 벌벌털다, 발발떨다, 발발털다, 박박털다, 박박떨다
- bound, crackle, pop: 튀다
- bound, crackle, pop, splash: 튕기다
- turn, turn round, turn to: 돌다
- spin, spin oneself round: 감장돌다
- move: 움직이다, 움질기다
- in shreds, in tatters, into shreds, to pieces: 그랑그랑, 가랑가랑, 거랑거랑
- lift up: 개동독닥
- around and around: 삥삥
- all out of joints, on bad terms: 어근버근ᄒᆞ다
- itchy, creepy-crawly: 스믈스믈