Table of Contents
ᄎᆞᆯ하리 rather
- Translation: rather
- Variant(s): ᄎᆞᆯ하리, ᄎᆞ라리
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 43110 (rather)
Associated word(s)
- on the contrary: 도리여
- on any account: 셍실
- be apt, too often: ᄀᆞ딱ᄒᆞ민
- anyway: 경ᄒᆞ나 정ᄒᆞ나
- be apt, be liable: ᄀᆞ딱ᄒᆞ민
- anyway, at any rate: 야칸
- oops!, hang it!: 아차불쌍, 어불싸, 어불쌍, 어차불싸, 어차불쌍, 어풀싸, 어풀쌍
- certain, some: 어떤