쪽 side
- Translation: side
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11750 (surface, back, side)
Associated word(s)
- side: 착, 짝
- right and left: 좌우
- on the one side: ᄒᆞᆫ펜
- back, reverse: 두이, 뒤
- the side of a ship: 벳바위
- widely: 널리
- flat: 넓작ᄒᆞ다, 냅작ᄒᆞ다, 납작ᄒᆞ다, 넙직ᄒᆞ다, 납삭ᄒᆞ다, 냅삭ᄒᆞ다
- crease, pleat: 주름안치다, 주름안지다
- square: 네모지다
- Translation:
- Variant(s): 똑, 쪽
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 43200 (uh, excuse me, hello)
Associated word(s)
- lift up: 개동독닥
- command, order: 호령, 호량
- well: 걸세, 겔세, 겔쎄
- let me see, well: 계메, 게메, 게뭬
- how puny!, what a tiny!, gosh!, my!, oops!: 애걔
- oops!, hang it!: 아차불쌍, 어불싸, 어불쌍, 어차불싸, 어차불쌍, 어풀싸, 어풀쌍
- wink: 눈짓
- give a sign with the eyes: 눈짓ᄒᆞ다, 눈칫ᄒᆞ다