Table of Contents
ᄌᆞ금 fund
- Translation: fund
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13721 (fund, property, cash)
Associated word(s)
- capital: ᄌᆞ본
- capital, principal: 본전
- a small amount: 단돈
- joint contribution, sharing the expenses: 추렴
- intangible cultural heritage: 무형문화유산
- cultural heritage: 문화유산
ᄌᆞ곰 ticklish sensation
- Translation: ticklish sensation
- Variant(s): ᄌᆞ곰, 저금, ᄌᆞ금, ᄌᆞ기염, ᄌᆞᄀᆞᆷ
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13001 (mind, feeling)
Associated word(s)
- itchy, creepy-crawly: 스믈스믈
- itching: ᄀᆞ렵다, ᄀᆞ랍다, ᄀᆞ릅다, ᄀᆞᄅᆞᆸ다, ᄀᆞᄅᆢᆸ다, ᄀᆞ럽다, ᄀᆞ롭다, 가렵다, 근지럽다
- ticklish: ᄌᆞ곱다, 저급다, ᄌᆞ급다, ᄌᆞ골롭다, 저굽다, 제굽다, 제급다, ᄀᆞᆫ지럽다, 근지럽다, ᄀᆞ릅다
- itch: 근질거리다
- chewing noise, pestering, throbbing: 지근지근
- (head) throbs, pester: 지근거리다, 지근ᄃᆞᆯ다
- smarting feeling, tingling feeling: ᄇᆞ지지, 바지지
- sore, painful: 아프다
- shooting pains: 시륵시륵
- smoky, smoke stings: 멥다
- dazzling: 눈ᄌᆞ곱다, 눈저굽다, 눈저급다, 눈제겹다, 눈ᄌᆞ굽다, 눈ᄌᆞᄀᆞᆸ다, 눈실리다
- rather hot, mellow, tipsy: 얼건ᄒᆞ다
- titillate: ᄌᆞ골우다, ᄌᆞ골이다
- shivering: 오실오실
- (rain) heavily, tagging: 줄줄