Table of Contents
위대하다 great
- Translation: great
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 33420 (great, calm, disgusting)
Associated word(s)
- hero: 영웅
- stubborn: 어긋지다
- carelessly, flippantly, frivolously, thoughtlessly: 엄벙덤벙, 음벙덤벙
- stubborn: 강펙ᄒᆞ다
- bashful, diffident, fool, shy: 미죽다
- gentle, mild, soft: 부드럽다
- petty and narrow-minded: 옹종ᄒᆞ다
- obediently, submissively: 고분고분, 고불고불, 고붓고붓
- simple and honest: 고지식ᄒᆞ다
- introvert and narrow-minded, morose, sullen: 꽁ᄒᆞ다
- pure: 순수
- stubborn person: 돌텡이
- coward, weak-willed person: 몰멩다리
- fool, madman, stupid: 두루웨, 두레, 두루훼, 두리웨, 두리훼
- shabby, miserable-looking: 궁상맞다
- unfeeling, heartless: 박ᄒᆞ다
- fool, stupid: 두루붕이
- hard shrewd person, tough fellow: 악바리
- admirable, skilled: 용ᄒᆞ다