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엄벙덤벙 carelessly
- Translation: carelessly, flippantly, frivolously, thoughtlessly
- Variant(s): 엄벙덤벙, 음벙덤벙
Associated word(s)
- act frivolous, be arrogant, be haughty: 출삭거리다, 출싹거리다
- act frivolous: 걸충거리다
- act frivolous: 촐삭거리다
- without permission, without reason, recklessly, thoughtlessly: ᄒᆞᆷ부로, ᄒᆞᆷ불로
- sloppy, irresponsible: 어설프다, 의설프다
- blockhead, halfwit, thickhead: 두루멍청이
- honest person: 고정배기〜고정백이
- stubborn: 어긋지다
- excessively, too much: 막
- great: 위대하다
- stubborn: 강펙ᄒᆞ다
- stubborn person: 돌텡이
- methodical, careful, cautious: 꼼꼼ᄒᆞ다, ᄁᆞᆼᄁᆞᆷᄒᆞ다, 콤콤ᄒᆞ다, 콩콤ᄒᆞ다, ᄏᆞᆷᄏᆞᆷᄒᆞ다, ᄏᆞᆼᄏᆞᆷᄒᆞ다
- indiscreet, rash, reckless, thoughtless: 곧이엇다
- petty person: 꼼생이, 콤생이