Table of Contents 웬ᄉᆞ끼 웬ᄉᆞ끼 웬ᄉᆞ끼 웬ᄉᆞ끼 Translation: Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 14160 (cord, rein, string) Associated word(s) cord, straw rope: 새끼줄, ᄉᆞ끼, ᄉᆞᆺ, ᄉᆞᆺᄂᆞ끼, ᄉᆞᆺ메끼, 찝ᄉᆞ끼, 배, 베 tope for collecting stemflow: ᄎᆞᆷ a rope for tying up criminals: 포승 breast-tie, coat string: 곰, 골롬, 골홈, 옷곰, 옷골름, 옷골홈 sandal thong, straps: 갱기, 강기 string used to tie straw sandals to one's feet: ᄃᆞᆯ pant-leg ties: 다님, 다림, 뎅김 sling, baby sling: 걸렝이, 걸렁지, 얼렝이, 걸레, 걸렛배 whiplash: 채끈 rein(s), bridle: 마음석, ᄆᆞ음석, 마음줄, 가달석, 자갈코, 쉐석, 쉐골배, 쉐녹대, 석, ᄆᆞᆯ석, ᄆᆞᆯ녹대 rope: 줄 string, strip: 끈, 친 cable, anchor cable: 닷친, 닷끈, 닷줄 electric wire: 전봇줄 ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z