Table of Contents
셍진날 birthday
- Translation: birthday
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11633 (day)
- Jeju basic words: 0833
Associated word(s)
- birthday: 셍일날
- anniversary: 돗, 돌
- the fourteenth day: 두일뤠
- the first day of a month: 초ᄒᆞ를날, 초ᄒᆞ릇날, 초ᄒᆞ를, 초ᄒᆞ로, 초ᄒᆞ루, 초ᄒᆞ르
- the second day of a month: 이틀날, 이튿날
- memorial services: 식게멩질, 제ᄉᆞ나 멩질
- divine service, memorial service: 제