Table of Contents
상강 Frost's Descent
- Translation: Frost's Descent
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11634 (seasonal festival, festive day, winter solstice)
Associated word(s)
- rainy season to start: 마지다, 마치다
산강 frost
- Translation: frost
- Variant(s): 산강, 상강
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15130 (water, drop, vapor)
Associated word(s)
- dew: 이슬, 이실
- dew: 이슬지다, 이실지다
- snow water: 눈물, 눈녹은물
- rancid drippings from a thatched roof: 그스렁물
- ice: 얼음〜어름
- icicle: 동곳, 동긋