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붕진ᄃᆞᆯ다 grumble
- Translation: grumble, complain, mutter
- Variant(s): 붕진ᄃᆞᆯ다, 붕진거리다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 23100 (say, cry, recite)
Associated word(s)
- grumbling: ᄋᆞᆼ진ᄋᆞᆼ진
- grumble, complaint: 넉더리, 넉두리
- nagging: 옹장옹장, 옹당옹당
- tittle-tattle, empty prattle: ᄋᆞᄋᆞᆼᄌᆞᆫ다니
- talk, rattle: 지껄이다
- complain of one's sad plight, complain: 궁상떨다, 궁상털다
- abuse: 욕ᄒᆞ다
- chatteringly: 자작자작
- interrupt: 체우치다
- secret conference: 숙덕공론, 숙닥공론, 수근닥공론, 수근덕공론
- boast: 건풍ᄒᆞ다
- by feel, stammering: 어듬더듬