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부더지다 fall down
- Translation: fall down, tumble
- Variant(s): 부더지다, 푸더지다, 내부더지다
Associated word(s)
- fall down: 쓰러지다, 씌러지다, 씨러지다
- roll: 둥글다, 둥을다
- throw down, fell, bring down: 거리치다, 쓰러치우다
- cut down, lay: 지우다
- bristle up, do a handstand: 항곱사다, 건두왁사다, 건주왁사다, 곤작사다, 곤주왁사다, 곤지사다, 권작사다
- roll: 굴르다
- lean against: 직산ᄒᆞ다
- sink: 드러앚다
- acrobatics, handspring, somersault, somerset, tumbling: 권작
- turn, turn round, turn to: 돌다
- around and around: 삥삥
- spin, spin oneself round: 감장돌다
- wind: 감다
- halt, stand, stop: 사다, ᄉᆞ다
- lie down: 눅지다, 눕지다, 뉘우다, 눕히다