Table of Contents
부닥치다 clash into
- Translation: clash into, collide with
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 21561 (hit, thrash, clap)
Associated word(s)
- hit, touch: 대다, 데다, 대이다
- out of joint: 어그러지다
- get out of joint, go against: 어그러지다
- go astray: 빗나가다
- arrive, arrive at, attain, reach: 이르다
- reach, extend, range, cover: 미치다
- touch: 어르ᄆᆞᆫ지다, 너르ᄆᆞᆫ직다, ᄆᆞᆫ지다, ᄆᆞᆫ직다, ᄆᆞᆫ치다, ᄆᆞᆼ직다
- lose sight of, lose, miss, stray: 놓치다, 눼치다, 뇌치다, 뇌키다