Table of Contents
바치다 dedicate
- Translation: dedicate, offer to a god
- Variant(s): 바치다, 바찌다
- Jeju basic words: 0643
Associated word(s)
- dedicate, offer to a god: 바치ᄒᆞ다, 바찌ᄒᆞ다
- receive, accept: 받다
- present: 선세, 선새, 선사
- donate: 기부ᄒᆞ다
- pass, pass over, tide over: 넹기다, 냉기다, 넘기다
- go about asking for alms, beg: 동녕ᄒᆞ다
- give: 주다
- victim, sacrifice: 산제물
- sacrifice: 제물, 지물
- enjoy: 누리다
- portion out of food offerings: 반
- pick up: 봉그다
- tribute: 선물세
바투다 prop
- Translation: prop, support
- Variant(s): 바투다, 받후다, 바튀다, 바찌다, 바치다〜받치다
Associated word(s)
- last, maintain, prop, support: 지텡ᄒᆞ다
- yoke: 메우다
- lean against: 직산ᄒᆞ다
- preservation: 보존
- invest, lay, lend out widely, spread: ᄁᆞᆯ다
- bristle up, do a handstand: 항곱사다, 건두왁사다, 건주왁사다, 곤작사다, 곤주왁사다, 곤지사다, 권작사다
- drag: 끗다