

무장 with no particular plan

  • Translation: with no particular plan, blindly
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 31920 (however, only, little), 33045 (on purpose, take the trouble to, without permission)

Associated word(s)

    • without permission, without reason, recklessly, thoughtlessly: ᄒᆞᆷ부로, ᄒᆞᆷ불로
    • as one wishes, all through, utterly: ᄉᆞ뭇, ᄉᆞ못, ᄒᆞ뭇, ᄒᆞ믓
    • fairly, pretty, too: 너무, 너믜〜너미

무장 all the more

  • Translation: all the more, more and more
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 31920 (however, only, little)

Associated word(s)

    • little: 조곰, 조금, 조꼼〜족곰, 짹금