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몰골 (unsightly) appearance
- Translation: (unsightly) appearance
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11310 (sight, appearance, figure)
Associated word(s)
- appearance, figure: 지부세, 지부셍이
- figure: 모습
- build: 몸메
- appearance, form, shape: 모양, 모냥
- appearance: 꼴
- appearance, face, features, honour: 멘목
- dress: 복장
- sign, indication: 그척, 근척, 기적, 그적
- disgraceful, shameful: 구체스럽다
- block, last, mould, shoetree: 골
- in shreds, in tatters, into shreds, to pieces: 그랑그랑, 가랑가랑, 거랑거랑
- ecology: 생태
- coarse, harsh, lie waste, loose, neglected, rough, violent: 거칠다, 거치렁ᄒᆞ다, 거치럽다
- the lines of the palm: 손그믓, 손금
- gentle, mild, soft: 부드럽다
- easy, light: 거뜬ᄒᆞ다
- petty and narrow-minded: 옹종ᄒᆞ다
- pure: 순수