Table of Contents
도독 thief
- Translation: thief
- Variant(s): 도독, 도둑
- Jeju basic words: 0386
Associated word(s)
- thief: 도적
- robber, burglar: ᄂᆞᆯ도독놈
- theft: 도독질, 손검은짓, 손거친짓
- pirate: 수적
- executioner, rascal: 망나니
- mischievous boy: 장난꾸레기
- snatch: ᄀᆞ로체다
- have a habit of stealing things: 손검다
- fool, half-wit, ninny, simpleton: 못난이, 못난것
- lecher, satyr: 섹골, 색골
- genius: 천제
- blockhead, halfwit, thickhead: 두루멍청이