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그치다 cut
- Translation: cut
- Variant(s): 그치다, 기치다, 끄치다, 끈치다, 끈다, 끊다, 긏다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 21571 (cut, crack, tear off)
- Jeju basic words: 0163
Associated word(s)
- cut: ᄌᆞᆯ르다, ᄌᆞ르다, ᄍᆞᆯ르다, ᄍᆞ르다
- be sharp: 들다
- light up, saw, turn on: 싸다, ᄊᆞ다
- fleece, pluck, tear: 뜯다
- gather, graze, open, pluck, tear off: ᄐᆞᆮ다
- bite off: 물어튿다, 물어뜯다
- be cut, be sharpened, be shaved, be sheared: 가끼다, 게끼다
- chop, cut, hew, mow: 비다, 버이다, 베다
- crop, cut, sharpen, shave, shear: 가끄다, 까끄다〜깎으다
- chop, hash: 썰다
- cut (with scissors): ᄆᆞ르다, ᄆᆞᆯ르다
- harden, hash, mince: 다지다
- radish shreds, radish strips: 무수체
- gather, pluck: 타다, ᄐᆞ다, 따다, ᄄᆞ다
그치다 cease
- Translation: cease
- Variant(s): 그치다, 끄치다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 21503 (finish, take rest, stay)
- Jeju basic words: 0162
Associated word(s)
- end, finish, stop: 설르다, 서르다〜설으다
- stop: 그만두다, 설러불다
- erect, make stand, stop: 세우다, 세오다, 셉다
- halt, stand, stop: 사다, ᄉᆞ다
- die: 파하다
- repose, take rest: 쉬다
- end: 끄텡이?
- break off: 단절ᄒᆞ다
- die: 죽다
- severance, gap: 단절
- graduate: 졸업ᄒᆞ다
- dead-end: 막다ᄃᆞᆯ다, 막다들다
- interrupt: 체우치다
- all the time, all through, continuation, continuously: 계속