Table of Contents
공쟁이 false accusation
- Translation: false accusation
Associated word(s)
- inside foot-trip: 안공젱이
- outside leg trip: 뒛머리
- blame, reproach: 나무라다, 나무레다, 나무리다, 낭그레다, 낭그리다, 내무리다, 냉기리다
- to talk about with scorn: 손가락질, 손고락질
- question closely, press for an answer: 답도리ᄒᆞ다
- rebuke, reprimand: 아연ᄒᆞ다, 아연치다
- blunt remark, wild talk: 막말
- wrestling: 씨롬, 씨름
공중이 cricket
- Translation: cricket
- Variant(s): 공중이, 공쥥이, 공젱이, 공쟁이
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15505 (worm, moth, mosquito)
- Jeju basic words: 0109
Associated word(s)
- cricket: 공쥉이말축
- mole cricket: 하늘강셍이, 땅강셍이
- water strider: 소곰바치, 물엿장시, 엿장시
- aphid, plant louse: 진쉬, 준시
- grasshopper: 말축, 말촉, 만축
- Meimuna opalifera: 고치장, 호식재열