Table of Contents
거느리다 head
- Translation: head, lead
Associated word(s)
- be accompanied, bring with, employ: ᄃᆞ리다, 데리다, ᄃᆞᆯ다
- bring with, be accompanied: ᄃᆞ려가다, 데려가다, ᄃᆞᆯ앙가다, ᄃᆞᆯ아가다, ᄃᆞ라가다, ᄃᆞ려오다, 데려오다, ᄃᆞᆯ앙오다, ᄃᆞᆯ아오다, ᄃᆞ라오다
- guide, lead: ᄃᆞᆼ기다
- let s.o. (go) (Causative): 시키다, 시기다
- tempt, call for: 꼬슬르다, 꼬실리다, 꼬슬리다, 꼬슬우다, 꾸슬리다, 꾸실룹다, 꾸실리다, 구슬리다, 구시리다, 꽁동이다, 꼬시다
- interfere: 간섭ᄒᆞ다
- manage, pack, tidy up: 끄리다
- lose sight of, lose, miss, stray: 놓치다, 눼치다, 뇌치다, 뇌키다
- obediently, submissively: 소곡소곡
- force, compel: 체우대기다, 우격다짐ᄒᆞ다
- interference: 간섭
- steersman: 칫사공, 고물사공
- prohibit, forbid: 금ᄒᆞ다, 금지ᄒᆞ다
- be reconciled with one's former spouse, come back to one's former spouse, get back, return: 도들다
- Translation:
- Jeju basic words: 0046
Associated word(s)
- secret conference: 숙덕공론, 숙닥공론, 수근닥공론, 수근덕공론
- rumour: 소문
- narrative, story, tale, talk: 이왁, 이야기, 이예기, 이얘기, 얘기, 이와기
- folk tale, folklore: 고담
- be off one's guard: 대움ᄒᆞ다, 데움ᄒᆞ다, 대옴ᄒᆞ다, 데옴ᄒᆞ다
- half-cooked, inexperienced, unripe, inexpert, unskillful: 설다
- experience: 겨끄다, 저끄다
- learn: 베우다, 배우다, 베웁다, 벱다
- learn by heart, memorize: 웨우다, 에우다
- model onself on/after: 본보다
- follow the example of, model onself on/after: 본받다
- imitate: 숭털다, 숭틀다
- forget: 이지다, 이치다, 잊다
- imitate, mimic: 숭구데기털다
- meaning, sense, will: 뜻
- let me see, well: 계메, 게메, 게뭬
- Translation:
Associated word(s)
- abuse: 욕ᄒᆞ다
- find fault, speak ill: 숭보다
- blunt remark, wild talk: 막말
- relapse, have a relapse: 도지다
- boast: 건풍ᄒᆞ다
- complain of one's sad plight, complain: 궁상떨다, 궁상털다
- continue, inherit, join, link, succeed to: 잇다
- roar: 악살ᄒᆞ다
- talk in one's delirium: 허대이다, 허대다
- banter, harassment: 희롱
- last, maintain, prop, support: 지텡ᄒᆞ다
- interrupt: 체우치다
- all the time, all through, continuation, continuously: 계속
- one after another, incessantly: 연헤연방, 연에연방
- blame, reproach: 나무라다, 나무레다, 나무리다, 낭그레다, 낭그리다, 내무리다, 냉기리다
- burst, outbreak: 터지다
- imitate, mimic: 숭구데기털다