

Parents, grandmother-in-law, ancestor

< members of a family, wife's grandmother, cousin < subject (agent)

어버시, 어버이, 부모, 부무, 부미parents
원어멍, 친어멍, 당어멍mother by blood
아버지, 아바지, 아방father, papa
당아방, 원아방, 친아방father by blood
어머니, 어멍mother, mama
다슴어멍, 다심어멍stepmother
족은어멍aunt, stepmother, wife of one's father's younger brother
다슴아방, 다심아방stepfather
족은아방father's younger brother, stepfather
수양어멍, 쉬양어멍, 시영어멍foster mother
수양아방, 쉬양아방foster father
장모, 처모, 가시어멍mother-in-law, wife's mother
처부, 가시아방, 장인father-in-law, wife's father
씨아방, 씨아버지father-in-law, husband's father
씨어멍, 씨어머니mother-in-law, husband's mother
씨부모the parents of one's husband
아기업게, 애기억궤, 애기업게girl baby-watcher
성하르방, 하르방, 하라바지, 하르비, 하리비, 친하르방, 하르바님, 할아바님, 당하르방grandfather, father of one's father
당할망, 성할망, 친할망, 할마니, 할머니, 할망, 할미, 할마님, 할머님grandmother, mother of one's father
가시하르방, 처조부, 처하르방grandfather-in-law, wife's grandfather
씨할망grandmother of husband
가시할망, 처조모, 처할망grandmother-in-law, wife's grandmother
씨하르방grandfather of husband
넛하르방, 널하르방, 늣하르방, 넛할망, 널할망UNDEFINED
웨할망, 웨할머니grandmother, mother of one's mother
웨하르방, 웨하르버지grandfather, father of one's mother