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기여이 certainly

Associated word(s)

    • at ease, refreshed, cool, fresh, refreshing: 시원ᄒᆞ다, 시원허다, 시언허다, 씨원ᄒᆞ다, 씨원하다
    • at a breath, at a stretch, at a stroke, at once, by one effort, immediately, on the spot, right away: 단작에, 대박에, 데빡에
    • almost, nearly: 거의, 거자〜거쟈, 거저, 건자, 거줌, 건줌, 거짐, 거진, 거즘, 건즘
    • still, yet: 안직, 안적(아적)
    • already: ᄇᆞᆯ써, 벌써, 벌ᄊᆞ, ᄇᆞᆯ썸, ᄇᆞᆯᄊᆞᆷ, ᄇᆞᆯᄊᆞ라, ᄇᆞᆯ써라, ᄇᆞᆯ씸, ᄇᆞ써, 이미