Table of Contents


Corn, grain, rice

< food, salt, perfume < object (products and tools)

곡석, 곡식, 곡물corn, grain
큰ᄊᆞᆯ, ᄊᆞᆯ, 쌀rice
ᄎᆞᆸᄊᆞᆯ, ᄎᆞᆷᄊᆞᆯglutinous rice, sticky rice
모힌ᄊᆞᆯ, 모인ᄊᆞᆯnonglutinous rice
모힌것, 모인것, 보리ᄊᆞᆯ, 겉보리, 바슴, 바심UNDEFINED
슬흔ᄊᆞᆯ, 실흔ᄊᆞᆯ, 벡미polished rice
곤ᄊᆞᆯ, 큰ᄊᆞᆯ, 흰ᄊᆞᆯ, 벡미, 백미white rice
생ᄊᆞᆯ, ᄂᆞᆯᄊᆞᆯraw rice
궂인ᄊᆞᆯrice roughly hulled,  *rice of poor quality
ᄉᆞ라기, ᄉᆞ레기broken rice
보미, 개역체rice bran
밀헙게미, 밀헙뒈, 밀헙데, 밀추시, 밀주시, 밀체, 헙뒈, 헙데, 허께미wheat bran
좁ᄊᆞᆯhulled millet
통보리, 통보리쌀uncracked grains of barley
모멀ᄀᆞ르, 모멀ᄏᆞ루, 모ᄆᆞᆯᄏᆞ루buckwheat flour
밀ᄏᆞ를, 밀ᄀᆞ를, 밀ᄀᆞ루, 밀카루flour
게역, 개역ground grains