Table of Contents


Event, feast, celebration

< culture, bathing, bow < activity (mind and activity)

행사event, function
백중, 벡종날, 백종날, 백중날, 벡중날, 대보름날, 음복, 불도맞이, 전야제, 추석, 수륙, 수룩, 영장, 가문잔치, 메구월일석, 수룩들이다, 벌초, 소분, 소본UNDEFINED
제divine service, memorial service
축제feast, festival
제ᄉᆞ, 지ᄉᆞ, 제사, 식게, 식개memorial service
큰굿, 굿shamanistic ritual, exorcism
접, 계, 제fraternity, mutual financing association, savings club
출고taking a coffin out of the house
매장, 메장burial, entomb
천리, 철리reburial
펭장burial without erecting a mound
식게멩질, 제ᄉᆞ나 멩질memorial services
훼양a memorial service
결혼식marriage ceremony
축하celebration, festival
엑막이, 엑맥이exorcism
기우제, 비우제ritual for rain


Congratulate, celebrate, pray

< take pains, shake, blink < activity (spirit and act)

명질ᄒᆞ다, 멩질ᄒᆞ다, 멩절ᄒᆞ다, 소분ᄒᆞ다, 소본ᄒᆞ다, 금초ᄒᆞ다, 벌초ᄒᆞ다UNDEFINED
축하ᄒᆞ다congratulate, celebrate
기도ᄒᆞ다, 빌다pray