Table of Contents
후ᄉᆞ affairs after one's death
- Translation: affairs after one's death, future affairs
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 11000 (fact, way, matter)
Associated word(s)
- later, by and by: 내중, 나종, 나중, 낭종, 낭중, 내종, 냉중
- circumstances: ᄉᆞ정
- accident: ᄉᆞ고
- wait: 지드리다, 지들리다
- die: 파하다
- at a breath, at a stretch, at a stroke, at once, by one effort, immediately, on the spot, right away: 단작에, 대박에, 데빡에
- affair, case, event, incident: ᄉᆞ건, ᄉᆞ껀
- let s.o. precede, outlive, survive: 앞세우다, 앞장세우다
- impatiently (waiting): ᄒᆞᆯ긋ᄒᆞᆯ긋