Table of Contents
튿다 plunk
- Translation: plunk, pluck
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 23392 (lift, touch, kick)
- Jeju basic words: 0475
Associated word(s)
- fleece, pluck, tear: 뜯다
- gather, graze, open, pluck, tear off: ᄐᆞᆮ다
- twist, twirl: ᄌᆞᆸ아틀다, ᄌᆞᆸ아틀루다, ᄌᆞᆸ아틀르다, ᄌᆞᆸ아들다, 틀다
- clench, grasp, grip, hold: 줴다, 쥐다
- clench, squeeze: ᄇᆞᆯ끈줴다, 불끈줴다
- grasp, grip, squeeze: 무르줴다, 무르쥐다
- draw up, fish out, scoop: 푸다
- point at, point to: 손ᄀᆞ르치다, 손ᄀᆞ리치다
- flap one's wings, swing one's arms in walking: 양활치다
- massage: 주물르다
- stroke, pat: 어르ᄆᆞᆫ지다, 어르ᄆᆞᆫ직다, 쓸다, 씰다
- caress: 어릅쓸다, 어름쓸다, 어름씰다
- titillate: ᄌᆞ골우다, ᄌᆞ골이다
- hold up, lift: 들르다, 드르다
튿다 contest
- Translation: contest, dispute
Associated word(s)
- argue, compete, contest, dispute, quarrel: ᄃᆞ투다, ᄃᆞ토다, 다투다
- contest, dispute: 지싯거리다
- contest, dispute, fight, quarrel: 싸우다, 쌉다
- quarrel: 말ᄃᆞ툼ᄒᆞ다
- quarrel: 말ᄃᆞ툼
- struggle: 투쟁
- war, warfare: 전장
- single round: 단판
- independence movement: 독립운동
- protest: 항의를 ᄒᆞ다
- fight (n): 싸움
- become estranged, be on bad terms with: 궂어지다
- resist: 저항ᄒᆞ다
- not get along, on bad terms: 불목지다
- resistance: 항쟁
- enter the war: 참전ᄒᆞ다
- defend, watch: 직ᄒᆞ다, 지키다
- problem: 문제
- incident: ᄉᆞ변