Table of Contents
ᄌᆞᆷ수 woman diver
- Translation: woman diver
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 12413 (farmer, fisherman, cowherd)
- Jeju basic words: 1116
Associated word(s)
- perfectly excellent woman diver: 대상군
- salter: 소곰ᄌᆞᆯ레기, 소곰졸레기
ᄌᆞᆷ수 diving
- Translation: diving
Associated word(s)
- swimming: 히엄〜히염, 헤염, 힘, 휨
- breaststroke: ᄀᆞᆯ개비힘
- exercise: 운동
- tug of war: 줄ᄃᆞᆼ길락, 배ᄃᆞᆼ길락
- wrestling: 씨롬, 씨름
- drift, float: 뜨다, 트다
- sink: ᄀᆞᆯ라앉다, ᄀᆞᆯ라앚다, ᄀᆞᆯ라지다
- diver: 머구리
- bury: 묻다
- art, capacity, talent: 제주, 제쥐
- bring down, descend, go down, lower: ᄂᆞ리다, 네리다
- be caught, get stuck, hang: 걸리다