

자치 odds and ends

  • Translation: odds and ends, remnant
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 14201 (patch, rags, cotton cloth)

Associated word(s)

자치 hen pheasant

  • Translation: hen pheasant
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15502 (bird, quail, skylark)

Associated word(s)

    • Korean mugpie: 간치, 깐치, 까치
    • crow: 가마귀, 가냐귀, 가막새, 가매기, 가메기, 가마기, 까마귀, 까메기, ᄀᆞ메기

자치 cockroach

  • Translation: cockroach
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15505 (worm, moth, mosquito)

Associated word(s)