Table of Contents
- Translation:
Associated word(s)
- cause, reason: 까닥, 까닭
- proof: 징멩, 젱멩
- anyway: 경ᄒᆞ나 정ᄒᆞ나
- anyway, at any rate: 야칸
- guess, sense, sign, wit: 눈치
- conclude: 단정ᄒᆞ다
- idea, thought: 셍각
- mark, set: 메기다
- divination: 점
- for, sake, owing, in order to: -을 위헹
- mark: 표시
- think: 셍각ᄒᆞ다
- decision: 결단, 절단
- meaning, sense, will: 뜻
- ability, discretion: 가남
웨 cucumber
- Translation: cucumber
- Scientific name: Cucumis sativus
- Variant(s): 웨, 오이
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15402 (radish, sickle-leaved hare's-ear, chives)
- Jeju basic words: 1046
Associated word(s)
- pumpkin: 호박
- oriental melon: ᄎᆞᆷ웨
- watermelon: 수박
- spotted cantaloup: 가개비ᄎᆞᆷ웨
- wild melon: 간잘귀, 간장귀, 갈장기, 간잴귀, 간절귀, 간잘미, 갈재기, 간들레기
- balloon flower: 도라지
웨 why
- Translation: why
- Jeju basic words: 0583
Associated word(s)
- why: 무사
- because: 유에
- reason: 이유
- circumstances: ᄉᆞ정
- therefore, so, accordingly: 게난, 기영ᄒᆞ영
- so, that is why: 경ᄒᆞ난
- any kind: 아멩ᄒᆞ다, 아명ᄒᆞ다, 아미영ᄒᆞ다
- each one, everyone: 가르각석, 가로각석, 가로각씩, 가리각산, 가르각산, 제각기, 제금만썩, 제네만썩, 지네만썩, 제만썩, 지만썩, 제만콤, 제만큼, 지네만큼, 각각, 가로삭삭, 가르삭삭, 지썩, 질로지썩
- individual, separate: 개벨, 개별
- etc.: 등