Table of Contents
- Translation:
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 23620 (maintain)
Associated word(s)
- maintain: 관리ᄒᆞ다
- manage, pack, tidy up: 끄리다
- steersman: 칫사공, 고물사공
- interfere: 간섭ᄒᆞ다
- holiday, leave: 휴가
- take a breather: 전주다
- night-work: 밤역시
- trade, commerce, business: 장시, 장ᄉᆞ
- business, job, occupation, profession, task, work: 일
- physical labour, manual labour, rough work: 쌍일, 쌩일
- a job which requires one to stand: ᄉᆞᆫ일, 산일
- labour: 노동
- work: 일ᄒᆞ다
- work for wages: 역들다
- office work: ᄉᆞ무
- business: 볼일
- go on an errand: 부름씨ᄒᆞ다, 부룸씨ᄒᆞ다, 심바람ᄒᆞ다
- repose, take rest: 쉬다
- market day: 장날
- let s.o. (go) (Causative): 시키다, 시기다