Table of Contents
야ᄒᆞᆨ night school
- Translation: night school
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 12630 (school)
Associated word(s)
- local school: 상교, 향교
- school: ᄒᆞᆨ교, 학교, ᄒᆞᆨ게
- high school: 고등ᄒᆞᆨ교
- primary school: 국민학교
- playground, schoolyard: ᄒᆞᆨ교마당
- sanctuary: ᄉᆞ당
- funeral home, funeral parlor: 장밧
- information centre: 안내소
- schoolhouse, school building: 교사
- to learn calligraphy, to learn writing: 습ᄌᆞ
- prepare: 준비ᄒᆞ다
- preparation: 준비
- understand, grasp: 알아먹다
- discover, find out, grasp, understand: 알아내다
- grasp, know, know (by experience or study), recognise, understand: 알다
- learn: 베우다, 배우다, 베웁다, 벱다
- learn by heart, memorize: 웨우다, 에우다
- follow the example of, model onself on/after: 본받다
- model onself on/after: 본보다
- imitate: 숭털다, 숭틀다
- imitate, mimic: 숭구데기털다
- pharmacy: 약방