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안벡 plaster on the ceiling
- Translation: plaster on the ceiling, wall mud
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15111 (petroleum, jewel, clay)
Associated word(s)
- plaster on the ceiling, wall mud: 개벡
- mud plaster under roofing tiles: 고딋흑, 고뎃흑, 고톳흑
- clay: 눌레기땅
- earth, soil: 흑, ᄒᆞᆨ, 헉
- white sand: 벡모살, 벡물레
- rock: 바위
- small stone: 좀작지
- pebble: ᄌᆞᆫ돌
- small gravel: 지름장멸
- beach: 갯ᄀᆞᆺ바위〜개ᄁᆞᆺ바위
- jewel: 보석
- sand: 몰레, 몰래, 모살
- lava: 용암
- magnet: 지남철, 지남석
- a volcanic bomb, bullet: 뽀롱이