Table of Contents
셍ᄉᆞ life and death
- Translation: life and death
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15700 (life, fate)
Associated word(s)
- life and death: ᄉᆞ셍
- (a fly) blow: 쉬싸다, 쒸쓸다
- shed one's skin: 흘벗다, 헐벗다
- fate: 천멩, 천명, 친멩
- dwell, live: 살다
- the fetal membrane, amnion, conception, pregnancy: 포테
- induce an abortion: 지우다
- be born: 태어나다
- deposit: 싸다, 쓸다
- save, revive: 살리다
- death: ᄉᆞ망
- death in prison: 옥ᄉᆞ
- be killed instantly: 직ᄉᆞᄒᆞ다
- die suddenly: 질허죽다, 질헤죽다
- kill: 죽이다
- let s.o. precede, outlive, survive: 앞세우다, 앞장세우다