Table of Contents
ᄆᆞ음 feeling
- Translation: feeling, heart, mind
- Variant(s): ᄆᆞ음, ᄆᆞ슴, ᄆᆞ심
- Jeju basic words: 0618
Associated word(s)
- spirit: 정신
- soul, spirit: 넉
- guess, sense, sign, wit: 눈치
- soul: 영혼
- discover, find out, grasp, understand: 알아내다
- sense: 눈치ᄎᆞᆯ리다
- notice: 께ᄃᆞᆮ다
- notice, realize: 알아ᄎᆞᆯ리다
- compassion, human nature: 인정
- grasp, know, know (by experience or study), recognise, understand: 알다
- understand, grasp: 알아먹다
- meaning, sense, will: 뜻
- be anxious: 끈끈저들다, 끈끈ᄌᆞ들다, ᄁᆞᆫᄁᆞᆫᄌᆞ들다
- ability, discretion: 가남
- ideal: 이상
- in one's hands, under the thumb: 손아우셍이, 손아오셍이, 손아귀, 손아금, 손어금
- accidental, sudden, unexpected: 난데없다, 난듸읏다
- unexpectedly: 들그레기
- impression: 소감
- think: 셍각ᄒᆞ다
- miss: 기렵다, 그렵다, 그립다, 기룹다, 그리웁다, 기럽다, 기릅다