Table of Contents
문제 problem
- Translation: problem
Associated word(s)
- mystery, riddle: 예숙제낄락, 예숙물릴락, 예숙쒜길락, 걸룰락, 걸릴락
- ask, hear, listen, question: 듣다
- question, ask: 묻다
- meaning, sense, will: 뜻
- play riddles: 예숙제끼다, 수수꺼리다, 수치저끄다
- answer: 답
- answer, reply: 데답, 대답
- easy, light: 거뜬ᄒᆞ다
- be at a loss, be undecided, hesitate: 주제미제ᄒᆞ다, 주저미저ᄒᆞ다
- fact, way: 처레, 처리, ᄎᆞ리
- imitate, mimic: 숭구데기털다
- reply, answer: 답ᄒᆞ다
- have a lot of trouble: 애먹다