Table of Contents
문뜩 suddenly
- Translation: suddenly
- Variant(s): 문뜩, 무뜩
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 31611 (someday, when)
- Jeju basic words: 0588
Associated word(s)
- all of sudden, out of nowhere, to one's surprise, suddenly: 난디엇이
- accidental, sudden, unexpected: 난데없다, 난듸읏다
- sudden, urgent: 급ᄒᆞ다
- suddenly, abruptly: 연제엇이, 뜽금읏이, 뜬금어시, 뜽금에읏이
- the same day, the very day: 당일
- all together, along with, at once, together, with: ᄒᆞᆷ치, ᄒᆞᆷ끼〜ᄒᆞᆷ끠
- erect, silently, straight, upright: 오곳오곳
- hurry: 서둘르다, 서둘다, 서들다, 서들브다